Monday 14 March 2011

It's time to use this blog properly

I tend to have a day out every few weeks.  I work out where I go by thinking about a few simple things.

1. If there is an event going on?
2. Have I been  there before, did I enjoy it / get good shots / generally enjoy the place?
3. How much is the train fare?!

On a normal day, I would take around 500 photographs, most of them will be rubbish, but every now and then you find a gem.  Most of the time, when I take a beauty I know it.  So, on average, I'll come back with 10 photographs that I'm happy with and a maximum of 2 that I love.

I don't like to edit my photographs using Photoshop unless totally necessary.  The whole idea behind my work is to capture the world naturally, so using effects contradicts my ideas.

So, I have decided to post one of my 'beauties' for each journey that I go on.  For now, I've got some work to do, getting this blog up to date, but once that's done, there will be a photograph popping up every few weeks.

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